Saturday, August 25, 2012


On Thursday, during an opening of an exhibition (P8:13, P8 Gallery, Poriya 8, Jafffa) where I'm presenting this piece:

a lady asked me how did I come to the idea of clipping my nipples. Well, I told her, the great photographer Francesca Woodman gave me the inspiration (she worked during the 70's), and the image below was meant to be the result of my homage to her. In the end, I picked another image, but In guess sometimes it's OK to share pieces from the archive.
Have a great weekend :)

To the exhibition page:!now-at-p8/mainPage

Francesca Woodman:

Thursday, August 9, 2012


This simple self portrait I took today in the studio is part of a larger, much kinkier project, but still, before I begin playing with it in Photoshop, I felt like showing the world my new hair cut, so... here it is. Whether you like it or not :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Love and Death

It was during last weekend that I built this adorable straight couple, inspired in Mexican popular death characters,  and although they tend to laugh a lot, I chose to photograph them in a very proper, old fashioned, pose, according to the strict rules of the studio. 
Hope they make you happy :)